ABA Therapy & Behavior Support

What is ABA?

Applied Behavior Analysis uses scientific principles to help people make meaningful behavioral changes. Behavior analysts use an individualized approach in creating Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP). The first step in creating a behavior plan involves finding out “why” the behavior is occurring by performing a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA). The FBA becomes a blueprint for teaching new behaviors to replace behaviors that adversely impact a person’s quality of life. The goal of a behavior analyst is to “teach a better way to get wants and needs met.”

When you reach out to us for ABA therapy services, you are going to receive a service is unlike any other.  

What sets us apart?

Our Clients

We work with EVERYBODY. Our clients range in ages across the lifespan from toddlers to older adults and come with unique needs. Our clients are typically turned away by other organizations because of their diagnosis, age, or other unique characteristics that may present a challenge to providers. When they come to us for help, we embrace these clients and provide them the excellent they deserve.  

Intensive Caregiver Training

Caregivers are encouraged to actively participate in sessions. ABA therapy sessions look like coaching sessions in which caregivers practice interventions while receiving feedback throughout the session. For most of our caregivers, this approach is exciting and new. Unlike previous experiences in which they felt overlooked or inadequate in handling behavioral issues, they can finally take an active role in analyzing behaviors, developing behavioral goals and training everybody that works with their loved ones.  

Person Centered Focus

There is no “one size fits all” at ABA-CFE. Our team takes the time to listen to the needs of each client and tailors each goal to the clients’ needs. We encourage our clients to participate in the development of their behavior plan and we explain each step in the process in a way that they can understand. Our clients are integral to the ABA therapy team and deserve our respect; We treat our clients the way we would want to be treated.  

Client Advocacy

We encourage our clients to actively participate in meetings such as ARDs and IPC meetings by preparing for their meetings in advance, answering questions about themselves, and making requests. It’s not enough to be present; they must be in the spotlight and holding the microphone when decisions about them are made. The ABA-CFE team works to create an environment that supports advocacy by educating and supporting other providers and by standing in solidarity with our clients.   

The ABA-CFE team teaches clients about a variety of topics including human rights, social media, relationships and other topics that are meaningful to the clients. The goal is for them to live their best life and they get to decide what that looks like. We are here to serve in that mission.